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Voting Engine

Reputation-Based Compensation: Tribal Roots of the Menagerie Ecosystem

Getting paid based on your reputation is very tribal, or pack-like. In a tribe or pack of animals, if you worked—you hunted or gathered—then you earn. If you didn’t, you don’t. Tribes have long memories. If you hunted or gathered in the past and have a strong reputation, you aren’t left behind. Same with a Menagerie ecosystem.

The community recognizes that your past work enhances the reputation of your Menagerie community as a whole. So the tribe remembers your past contributions and pays you accordingly. In tribal terms, young hunters eat. Wise old elders eat, too.

Menagerie is a Powerful Community Management System

As easy as you’d start a social media group, you can build a club, corporation, DAO, or nonprofit that thrives in the decentralized world of Web3.

Our Reputation-Staking Governance Model transforms community engagement, enabling members to stake their reputation on ideas, fostering trust, shared growth, and sustainable choices. It aligns individual and community success, focusing on long-term benefits.

A community member proposes an idea, believing it to be beneficial for the community.

Our Reputation-Staking
Governance Model



Our Reputation-Staking Governance Model transforms community engagement, enabling members to stake their reputation on ideas, fostering trust, shared growth, and sustainable choices. It aligns individual and community success, focusing on long-term benefits.

The member stakes a portion of their reputation on the proposal's success.

Our Reputation-Staking
Governance Model



Our Reputation-Staking Governance Model transforms community engagement, enabling members to stake their reputation on ideas, fostering trust, shared growth, and sustainable choices. It aligns individual and community success, focusing on long-term benefits.

The community votes, determining the idea's adoption.

Our Reputation-Staking
Governance Model



Our Reputation-Staking Governance Model transforms community engagement, enabling members to stake their reputation on ideas, fostering trust, shared growth, and sustainable choices. It aligns individual and community success, focusing on long-term benefits.

If adopted, the idea becomes precedent, enhancing both the member's and the community's reputation.

Our Reputation-Staking
Governance Model



Two Types of Votes</span


Our Reputation-Staking Governance Model reshapes community engagement by allowing members to back their ideas with their reputation, enhancing trust and shared success. For consensus on proposals, Menagerie employs a dual voting approach: ‘loosely-coupled’ and ‘tightly-coupled’ votes, ensuring every voice contributes to a unified decision-making process.

Loosely-coupled Votes

These initial votes serve as a barometer, gauging the community’s temperature on proposals without any real-world consequences. Participants can freely express their opinions, encouraging candid discussion and creative ideation without the pressure of affecting their standing within the community. The results, while non-binding, provide valuable insights into the group’s leanings, laying the groundwork for informed debate ahead of the next voting phase.

Tightly-coupled Votes

The follow-up vote bears more weight, with reputational points on the line. The stakes are clear: votes in alignment with the majority result in reputational gains, while dissent can lead to losses. However, the insights gained from the loosely-coupled voting round help members make more strategic decisions, often leading to a consensus in the final vote.