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Community Building & Governance

Step-by-Step Guide to Cultivating Your Community


Our guide offers a comprehensive pathway for creating, engaging, managing, and expanding your community. It outlines the progression of communities from initial engagement to becoming mature, self-managed groups. This resource is structured to support your journey at every stage of community development.

Catalyst Stage

Catalysts are the key for any decentralized community development, they engage around products and services through the forum channels. They ideate and motivated others to engage around the idea of philosophy/product and work engagement.

Initiation & Idea Stage

Catalysts are the key for any decentralized community development, they engage around products and services through the forum channels. They ideate and motivated others to engage around the idea of philosophy/product and work engagement.

Community Catalyst Onboarding

Catalysts identify new community members through their input and work product. The Menagerie engine automatically onboards upvoted community members into the community.

Autonomous Communities

Each community on the Menagerie Platform is entirely autonomous and self-governed. However, communities on the Menagerie Platform can use the services of other Menagerie communities for support or enhancement.

Funding & Initial Capitalization

Communities on the Menagerie Platform have the option of bringing assets to the platform themselves or generate market-based fees for their communities. The Menagerie setup wizard directs catalysts to the choices for the setup that drives the community design depending on their funding source.


The governance for the new community is set up as a default function in the Menagerie Platform. Communities vote to make governance changes after consultation with a Menagerie policy community. For more details on how the Menagerie voting engine works please see our Voting Engine page. For more academic details on governance choices and phase adjustments of governance.

Community Protocols & Standards

Each Menagerie community develops its own protocols and standards through the voting engine. The Menagerie Citation System enables each community to engage in a dynamic and evolutionary form of self-governance via the voting engine.


Menagerie communities pay members via two methods: Sponsorship and Market-based fees, based on their reputation NFT scores, which reflect their contributions and governance participation. Higher scores earn more, with payments proportional to these scores. Sponsorship payments are monthly, while market-basedpayments follow work product audits, divided between the worker and auditing members.

Community Governance Framework

The governance framework at Menagerie, developed from extensive research, ensures a robust, consensus-based approach for communities. It emphasizes easy adoption, effective coordination, and sustainability, utilizing smart contracts for seamless integration of onchain and offchain activities.


The governance framework at Menagerie, developed from extensive research, ensures a robust, consensus-based approach for communities. It emphasizes easy adoption, effective coordination, and sustainability, utilizing smart contracts for seamless integration of onchain and offchain activities.


Menagerie governance is simple and allows for quick learning by doing.


Menagerie is using a unique forum to engage all the individual Menagerie communities and help them coordinate their individual conduct.


Several Menagerie DAOs and other affiliated DAOs will be using Policy DAOs to help them coordinate their policy making efforts. (Not all Menagerie communities will need the same amount of Policy DAO support.)


Menagerie governance revolves around the key governance consensus algorithm that allows communities to rely on visible community sentiment before the community members stake their governance tokens.

Sustainable Governance

Menagerie governance creates sustainable incentivized communities.

Proposal Execution

If the community does its business onchain, the smart contract handles the execution automatically. If it’s not onchain, there will have to be some execution support from Menagerie. Not all proposals and votes can be executed by smart contracts. For regular contracts, Menagerie will provide the required input.